Stef Paglia picked up a guitar for the first time when he was just 12 years old and he holds on to it ever since that time. His father introduced him to the blues. He was instantly hit by the blues fever. After 7 years he started an education at PXL Music in Belgium to learn more about music.
He has also shared the stage as guest player with international top bands like Laurence Jones, The Nimmo Brothers, Eric Steckel, Danny Bryant, Sean Webster.
Besides this all, he is also working hard to find his own way with his own band with original songs.
Keys and Chords:
“You can hear it already in this early stage: this young fellow has bright future ahead.”
“Stef Paglia has proven already in the past that he is made of the right stuff to become a great guitar player, as well in the blues as in the rock scene. Even as a singer he looks very promising. We are sure we will hear a lot more from him in the near future.”